
Angel Artwork and Flower Remedies

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Break Free Spray

Available as follows:
     Spray (30ml)  —  $20.00  —  Add to order

Break Free is a very powerful spray as it allows for release of old habits or patterns which are keeping you in bondage hence the name "Break Free."

Break Free is for those who wish to free themselves of fears, bad habits, unwanted patterns of behaviour or dependency issues, and be free to express their true nature.


A very powerful spray as it allows for release of old habits or patterns which are keeping you in bondage hence the name "Break Free."

A colleague of mine chose Break Free Spray in her preferred style of dowsing (moving her hand over the Remedies and feeling a connection), I asked for her feedback as I find this an excellent way of "testing" my Remedies. This was her report to me.

"I have always been interested in the concept of 'breaking free', my interest coming from many years involvement with the tarot and a particular interest in The Devil card. My childhood teachings in Catholicism had painted a picture of The Devil as something evil and this would visit you if you were bad, I was scared. Horror movies play on this concept of evil and I guess we are all relieved when it's not visiting us.

My twenty year relationship with the tarot enlightened me to the truth about The Devil and I came to understand that the devil is the shadow side of the self, present in every living thing. It just has to be for the fullness, light/dark, up/down, in/out, conscious/subconscious—there have been endless theories and discussions about the shadow side, I know some of this from my studies in Psychology and Sociology.

So, in all innocence and trust, I sprayed Break Free on myself and my husband, and even our old cat. An amazing turn of events occurred which surprised, scared me, and yet was incredible relief at the same time. My husband revealed thoughts and ideas that he harboured which were in my opinion coming from a dark place, this surprised me as I thought I knew this person so very well and not only that but he was always the 'good guy' so patient, caring, loving, and considerate—I was shocked. Not only that but his 'issues' were another angle on the same issues that I had spent my whole life deflecting yet had revealed their ugly self many times in various scenarios during my life—I was scared.

I am in my mid-years and truly believed that nothing much could surprise me but in hindsight I see that 'the issue' was the deepest root in both of us that hid the angel within.

In that moment of revelation we both faced that shadow self and of course in that moment we freed ourselves from all related shame, fear, self loathing—The Devil.

In the most brilliant and unexpected way we have both moved to a level of shared joy, deepest love and respect. I don't believe that in any other way we could have transformed to this new and brilliant way of being. Break Free has altered our lives forever, now there is no place for shadow. Bring on the light, thank you Angels, thank you Anaheart."

Banksia Prionotes: Banksia Prionotes is one of the remedies in Break Free .

A thirty eight year old woman chose this essence intuitively and was pleasantly surprised after she had taken it, that she no longer had any desire to smoke cigarettes or marijuana. She said that she felt completely differently about her body and could not do those things anymore.

Break Free Spray is useful for treating the following conditions:

Break Free Spray may be of interest to Health Professionals working in the following areas:

  • Counselors